2022-01-15 - Big Rock

 17th December 2022 at 8:15pm

~2.8 mi @ ~20.4 min/mi

"Strategic Detergents?" A misheard word by 🦄 suggests humorous meta-models for the process of strategic deterrence, e.g., "Turn the Tide before War!" And more seriously, deterring someone is all about mental models of their mental models of one's own mental models, and maybe even more meta. A sunrise walkabout with temps in the low 20's discovers the Big Rock, eponymously near Big Rock Rd, just outside the Beltway in the Four Corners neighborhood and halfway down the valley cut by Northwest Branch. Graffiti on it advises "Stay in School". Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of compassion, mindfully guards a front yard.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2022-02-09